DukeAvelino™ Decor No1

Summer is just at its high. The weekends set in pretty quickly. And over the evening, I felt like there was a need to re-create my perfect get away. So there I was in my SL life finding a hammock!! Something that could fit indoor and outdoors perfectly. And guess what, I found one pretty niceee!! Its most mind boggling thing? The Hammock is only 1 Prim! Say whattt?!!?

This here is the Meshpossible's fantastic hammock that comes with huge loads of different colors. The best part?? The various colors are provided in menu as per your mood! Want a beach texture? Indoor? Old and rugged? They have it all! Meshpossible is already a huge brand when it comes to loaded quality animations. The quality renders at only 1 Prim and Nil land impact this was a huge positive side to Meshpossible.

I took the hammock to the nearby beach by the bonfire. It was a nice mix with the environment around.  

Nothing better then a nice cuddle over the weekends reading books and sipping on your favorite refreshing drink.

What do you think about it? Feedback?
Leave comments below or you can send notecards to me @ Duke Avelino Inworlds.


Featuring: MeshPossible™ by PrimPossible™

• MeshPossible 1 Prim Hammock - PG Animations @ Marketplace

There are 2 versions with different permissions. The copy permission costs more. Link --> Here

Additional Links

Inworld Store
Primpossible Marketplace
MeshPossible Marketplace

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